Resources GLACIOLOGY RESOURCES:National Snow and Ice Data CenterNSF Polar ProgramsNASA CryosphereInternational Glaciological SocietyACADEMIC RESOURCES:maximizing productivity and recognition: Pt. 1; Pt. 2; Pt. 3advice for new professorsadvice for new professors - teachinghow to write a lot - read the book, or watch this...the 7-year postdocwriting for scienceadvice to write moretomorrow's professorearth science women's network resource listcommunication for scientists UT RESOURCES:JSG graduate student handbookJSG admission informationFaculty Innovation CenterGRADUATE STUDENT RESOURCES:some modest advice for graduate studentsdesigns for learning by Stearnsdevelop a career plangetting an academic career in geoscienceshow to attend meetingshow to write a research statementhow to give a good academic talkthe professor is inthe hiring process (from the other side)other career options